
2013 - 2015


Project XQ

Project XQ: The Super School Project was a participatory traveling exhibition that launched on the steps of the New York Public Library in 2015. The exhibit toured the United States and served as a national community engagement tool and contest to reimagine and design the next American high school for the Emerson Collective.

I worked with Local Projects as an interaction designer to lead the design, fabrication, and production of Project XQ.

By September 2016, Project XQ had engaged more than 22,153 community members, parents, entrepreneurs, and administrators who shared ideas to improve America’s failing high schools. This project led to a $100 million dollar investment in 10 school proposals based off of ideas shared in the interactive recording booth.

User Research
Interaction Design
User Testing
Production and Implementation

High School students and their families

Emerson Collective

Studio Local Project

In towns and cities across the country, the travelling exhibition gatherered students, families, educators, and policy makers to rethink and build schools that prepare our students for the rigorous challenges of life. 

I designed a series of journey maps to illustrate how visitors might expereince the exhibition, engage with the campaign, and participate in the recording booth.

Central to the experience was a recording booth to collect proposals for how public high schools could be rethought to the close achievement and opportunity gaps.

I designed the recording booth experience to bring together three interactive moments, requiring 3 unique interfaces:
- Sign up process:
- Recording experience:
- Led photo wall and digital website:  

The recording booth experience encouraged visitors to identify a particular education topic to tag recorded proposals for a website campaign and for the interactive LED wall outside of the recording booth.

Recordings were shared with high schools teams as they built opportunities to address the education system’s most pressing challenges

The traveling recording booth debuted on the steps of the New York Public Library. School groups, community leaders, teachers, and parents shared what they envisioned for the future of education and what's needed in their communities.

TeamJake Barton, Creative Director
Mike Tully, Graphic Designer
Adrienne Katz, Project Manager
Andreas Borg, Creative Technologist
David Carofano, Strategist

Showman Fabricators